Friday, January 1, 2010


"Change is constant, the signal for rebirth, the egg of the phoenix"
~ Christina Baldwin

There's something about growing up on a farm that can affect the senses of overly sensitive kids. I always thought I was a tough tomboy, but basically, things affected me that others would take in stride. Living on a farm changed my viewpoint--from neutral to negative--on eggs and milk. I quit drinking milk at age seven, and quit eating eggs at nine. I can't tolerate the smell or looks of either. But...for some reason, I love to collect eggs of every sort (except fresh ones) and have quite a collection.

"What the hell, put all your eggs in one basket!"

This basket is quite large, and although not detectable in this photo, it holds about 45 eggs made of glass, metal, semi-precious stone and even wood. Some of these eggs go back to the 1960s when I began accumulating my collection.

"It serves me right for putting all my eggs in one bastard"
~Dorothy Parker

This is a hand painted quail egg, purchased in an obscure little shop in Ambleside in the Lake District in England. I dropped it once while dusting and it has a tiny hairline crack.

"The present was an egg laid by the past that had the future inside its shell."
~ Zora Neale Hurston

Glass paperweight eggs, Waterford crystal eggs, hand blown eggs, lucite eggs with gold nuggets embedded in them--there are so many eggs that I really have nowhere else to store them, so I stopped adding to my collection a few years ago. Over the years I've culled my collection of the less desirable eggs and the really damaged ones, but I can't bear to part with the remainder, so I can't add new ones. It's just as well. The older I get, the fewer things I want cluttering my life. But, it's hard to dump the stuff I already have and that I really like.

"What is my loftiest ambition? I've always wanted to throw an egg at an electric fan."
~ Oliver Herford